Drop It!: Youth Bible Study Series

Drop It!: Youth Bible Study Series

If we’re honest, we all have things that we hold on to that keep us from living life to the fullest. That’s one of the reasons why we give things up during the season of Lent, because we recognize the needs to let go of some things so that we can grow...
Brainwashed: Youth Bible Study Series

Brainwashed: Youth Bible Study Series

In this bible study series with the youth group, we talked through ways that we get brainwashed by the world. Here’s the problem… In the culture we live in with influences from media, music, and peer pressure, we are told how we should live in order to fit...
Youth Testimony: Soul In the City by Hope L.

Youth Testimony: Soul In the City by Hope L.

Note: This testimony was shared by Hope L. at the Youth Dinner and Talent Show Fundraiser (Nov. 2022). I have gone to summer camps since I was about eight years old, and I’ve gone to a lot of really good ones. But Soul in the City really has stood out as a great...