Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

EYC Mount Dora is the youth group for St. Edward's Episcopal Church serving middle school and high school youth. We meet every Sunday from noon to 2pm, with lunch provided.

Building Relationships

Our weekly meetings start with (free) lunch and time to just hang out and talk, and finish with free-time to continue building relationship. Additionally, we do a variety of fun, recreational activities outside of our weekly meetings.

Bible Study

The core of our weekly meetings is our Bible study discussions. We learn how to read and study the Scriptures, and practice good study and application of the Word through group conversation. Our goal is to develop sound interpretation techniques and grow in our love for the Word of God.

Community Service

Students are encouraged to explore ways to live out their faith through a variety of ministry opportunities and community service projects. Out goal is to serve locally, and through service trips like Soul in the City (organized with other youth groups in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida).

Today, one of the youth in my #youthgroup decided that she wants to get baptized!

It comes after a weekend retreat that was all about being grounded in Christ, and then today our lesson just happened to be from the #catechism in the #bookofcommonprayer with the section on Holy Baptism.

As we talked through how it works and what it means, I could see the wheels turning in her head as she processed all of it.

Then afterwards, she just said to me, "I`ve been wanting to talk to you about this."

And as we talked through what it would look like for her, I could see a sparkle in her eyes.

So... now we`re planning her baptism, and I couldn`t be more excited for her!

I love being involved in ministry like this! God is SO good!

#episcopalchurch #youthministry #youthmin #EYCmountdora #episcopalyouth

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I`m putting together a #stationsofthecross resource for youth as another prayer experience I`ll be doing soon with my #EYCmountdora group. And I love, love, love how it`s turning out!

Our youth group has really been enjoying some "prayer station" experiences I`ve been doing, and it`s been cool to see them developing in their conversations with God. So I`m expecting good things with this one too!

If anyone is interested in using this guide for your youth, let me know... I`m running through a couple quick edits, and should be able to make it available to share soon.

#episcopalyouth #cfdiocese #cfdioceseyouth #youthministry #youthmin #youthgroup #mountdora

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Youth Ministry Blog

Youth Group Calendar


05may12:00 pm2:00 pmMovie Day @ EYC: The Shift


02junAll Day07Camp St. Mark (Wingmann) - Incoming 9 - 12th graders

09junAll Day14Camp St. Barnabas (Wingmann) - Incoming 6 - 8th graders


22julAll Day26Soul in the City


04aug7:00 pm7:30 pmBack To School Prayer (Triangle Elementary)

11aug11:30 am1:00 pmBack To School Pool Party


07sep5:00 pm7:30 pmEYC Fundraising Banquet

10sep6:00 pm7:30 pmParents' Night!Topic: TBD

20sepAll Day22New Beginnings

21sep9:00 pm4:00 pmConfirmation Class


31oct5:30 pm9:00 pmAll Hallows' Eve Family Cookout (and Trick-or-Treating)